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In Schools

Depending on the needs of each school, I work on a full day, half day or hourly basis. A typical full day looks as follows:

3 individual morning sessions


2 individual afternoon sessions

Referral forms, information leaflets and consent forms are supplied. Referrals are normally triaged with the school Pastoral team to ensure children with the greatest need are seen first. 

Sessions are carried out weekly in the same room and provide children with a safe, consistent and confidential space in which they are supported to make sense of their difficulties.

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls"

Pablo Picasso

Virtual Art Therapy

While there is no replacement for face-to-face Art Therapy; there are some situations where this may not be possible. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is a clear example of this. There may be other circumstances: school refusers; when a child moves house in the midst of therapy; or where they are housebound owing to an impaired immune response, where remote Art Therapy (via Skype / Zoom etc) can be considered. Sessions have to be carefully thought through on an individual basis to ensure there is an appropriate space for these to be carried out and so that the child feels comfortable with this arrangement. An initial video chat along with a parent / carer by way of introduction helps to determine this. From then on, a pack of art materials is sent out and the child and sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis.

"If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint"

Edward Hopper

A Child-Centred Approach
  • My Art Therapy sessions are individualised and child-centred. There is no fixed agenda, ensuring that the focus of our work is always centred around what is most pressing for the child.

  • The individual's decisions and pace are respected. Any issues that arise while producing images are addressed when the child was ready to confront them. This is favourable among children who find it difficult to trust and have strong defences owing to their past experiences.

  • My approach is influenced by attachment theory, trauma-based neurobiology and developmental and social psychology.

  • Art making is central to the child's expression and is key in helping to develop understanding (of themselves, their experiences and feelings). 

  • The reason for referral and therapy aims are talked through with the child before sessions start, and the child is always made aware that it is his/her choice to attend therapy.

"Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain"

Carl Jung

Evaluation of Therapy Outcomes

To ensure progress of therapy is well monitored, I involve the child (and sometimes the parent / carer, and school staff) in the 

assessment of their emotional health (before and after therapy) using standardised outcome measures.


When working in schools with several children over the year, end-of-year reports are developed analysing the type of referrals and the overall impact of Art Therapy. 

"It is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self"

D.W. Winnicott


As with all psychotherapy, what happens in the art therapy space is confidential, including the artwork itself. The privacy of the child is priority so that they can feel safe and comfortable with their therapist. Only when there are concerns about the child’s safety or the safety of others would art therapists have to break confidentiality and speak to the appropriate professional. This would be discussed with the child beforehand where appropriate.

"Art is not always about pretty things. It's about who we are, what happened to us, and how our lives are affected"

Elizabeth Brown

Duration of Sessions

Individual sessions are normally 50 minutes long and run for a minimum of 12 weeks. However, each child will respond differently in terms of the time they take to build trust and process feelings. Depending on the complexities of the child's personal situation, some children receive Art Therapy for several months, or even a couple of years.

"There is nothing but art, if you look at it properly"

Henry Miller

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